Unidentified Species
U001 to U050
U051 to U100
U101 to U150
U151 to U200
U201 to U250
U251 to U300
U301 to U350
U351 to U400
U401 to U450
U451 to U500
Begonia details are in the following order:
-- U number, source, date, is species name, author, date, classification, country
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Begonia U301 Johnson M. , --- , , Malaysia
Begonia U302 Hoover S. , --- , , Ecuador
Begonia U303 Hoover S. , --- , , --- W. Malaysia
Begonia U304 Bender EF. , --- , , rhizomatous Colombia
U304 flower
U304 leaf
Begonia U305 Hoover/Miller , --- , is B. variabilis , W. Malaysia
Begonia U306 Goodwin J. , --- , all seeds damped-off after germination. , Paupa New Guinea
Begonia U307 Goodwin J. , --- , , Madagascar Paupa New Guinea
Begonia U308 Luther HE. , --- , tentatively B. urophylla , rhizomatous Costa Rica
Begonia U309 Miller D. , --- , , rhizomatous Malaysia
U309 leaf
Begonia U310 Goodwin J. , --- , all seeds damped-off after germination. , Paupa New Guinea
Begonia U311 Goodwin J. , --- , all seeds damped-off after germination. , Paupa New Guinea
Begonia U312 Goodwin J. , --- , all seeds damped-off after germination. , Paupa New Guinea
Begonia U313 Goodwin J. , --- , all seeds damped-off after germination. , Singapore BG
Begonia U314 --- , --- , , --- ---
Begonia U315 Darian M. , --- , , semperflorens Madagascar
Begonia U319 --- , --- , , --- ---
Begonia U320 --- , --- , is tentatively octopetala l'Heritier , 1788 tuberous ---
Begonia U331 --- , --- , is tentatively a form or variety of sericoneura , --- thick stem Ecuador
Begonia U332 --- , --- , is biserrata var. biserrata Lindley , 1847 tuberous Mexico
Begonia U333 --- , --- , is pedata Liebmann , 1852 tuberous Mexico
Begonia U334 Miller D. , --- , , --- ---
U334 leaf
Begonia U335 Hoover S. , 1995 , is isoptera Dryander ex Smith JE. , 1790 --- Sumatra
U335 flower
Begonia U336 Hoover S. , 1995 , is isoptera Dryander ex Smith JE. , 1790 --- Sumatra
Begonia U337 Hoover S. , 1995 , is multangula Blume , 1827 --- ---
U337 flower
Begonia U339 Hoover S. , 1995 , is beccariana Ridley , 1923 rhizomatous ---
Begonia U340 Hoover S. , 1995 , is multangula Blume , 1827 shrub-like Sumatra
U340 flower
Begonia U341 Hoover S. , 1995 , is teysmanniana (Miquel) Tebbitt , 2000 shrub-like Sumatra
U341 flower
Begonia U342 Hoover S. , 1995 , , rhizomatous Sumatra
U342 flower
Begonia U343 Hoover S. , 1995 , , shrub-like Sumatra
Begonia U344 Hoover S. , 1995 , , --- ---
Begonia U345 Hoover S. , 1995 , is beccariana Ridley , 1923 rhizomatous Sumatra
U345 flower
Begonia U346 Hoover S. , 1995 , , --- Sumatra
U346 flower
Begonia U347 Hoover S. , 1995 , , rhizomatous Sumatra
U347 flower
Begonia U348 Hoover S. , 1995 , , rhizomatous Sumatra
Begonia U350
U350 flower