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Begonia details are in the following order: Go to the Data Base page for The Begonian references on any one species.
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Begonia U451 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U452 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U453 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U454 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U455 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U456 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U457 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U458 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U459 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U460 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U461 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U462 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U463 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U464 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U465 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U466 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U467 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U468 Shown by Mary Fuqua at the 05 National Convention. Begonia U469 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U470 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U471 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U472 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U473 Rhizomatous, Collected by Mary Sizemore in vietnam. Begonia U474 Rhizomatous, Is B. taliensis, Introduced by Patrick Worley ,China Begonia U475 Rhizomatous, Collected by Mary Sizemore ,China Begonia U476 Rhizomatous, collected by Mary Sizemore in Vietnam, Possibly related to B. versicolor. Begonia U477 Rhizomatous, Purchased from Kai Chen Nursery by Mary Sizemore, China Identified as B. palmata var. palmata Begonia U478 Rizomatous, Collected by Mary Sizemoe, Begonia U479 --- , --- ,---
Begonia U480 Rhizomatous, collected by Mary Sizemore in Vietnam.
Identified as B. handelii, (a synonym of either B. chuniana or B. balansana) Begonia U481 is B. silletensis ssp. mengyangensis, rhizomatous, China, Pruchased by Mary Sizemore from a local nursery in Chang Mai, Northern Tahiland. Identified by Mark Tebbitt. The other variety, ssp. silletensis is common to India, Thailand and Burma.
Begonia U482 Rhizomatous, collected by Mary Sizemore, .Now identified by Carmal Browne as B.'Tangalooma,
an Australian cultivar
Begonia U483 Shrub-like collected by Mary Sizemore
Begonia U484 --- , --- ,---
Begonia U485 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U486 Acquired by Johanna Zinn, May be from China. Begonia U487 Shrub-like from Ecuador, eastern slopes of the Andes, collected by Mary Sizemore, Has horned fruit. Begonia U488 Shrub-like from Ecuador, eastern slopes of the Andes, collected by Mary Sizemore
Begonia U489 Rhizomatous, collected by Mary Sizemore in Vietman. Begonia U490 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U491 Shrub-like, Collected by Mary Sizemore in Ecuador Begonia U492 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U493 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U494 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U495 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U496 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U497 Rhizomatous, Collected by Dale Sena in Singapore,--- Begonia U498 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U499 --- , --- ,--- Begonia U500 --- , --- ,---